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Have you lost all or some of your natural teeth? Bridges, dentures and flexible dentures are not the only solution, thanks to advances in modern dentistry. Have you heard of dental implants? Implant dentistry offers a clinically proven and safe solution to getting a great smile back and being able to bite and chew with confidence.

This is how they work:


  1. Dental implants are small metal screws that are placed in the jaw in place of a missing tooth.

  2. Once established, crowns, bridges and dentures can be fixed onto the implants, creating a natural-looking and stable restoration.

Life Benefits

  • When you lose your natural teeth, your jaw bone and surrounding tissues start to resorb or disappear over time. When implants are placed in the jaw, it stimulates the remaining bone to grow and mesh around the metal, along with tiny blood vessels, preventing bone loss.

  • Retained bone structure prevents the face from acquiring a 'sunken' look.

  • Implants help restore function so you can eat, chew and bite as usual.

  • Implants are a natural-looking way to replace missing teeth.




Have you worn dentures in your upper jaw for years? Did you know that there's an alternative, more comfortable option?


If you've worn dentures for an extended period of time in your upper jaw, the bone will have receded, rendering it difficult to undergo implant treatment and giving your face a sunken appearance. A sinus lift makes use of the contours of your face to provide a second chance at the functionality and reliability of dental implants.


  1. Prior to the procedure, a number of tests will be run to ensure the suitability of the sinuses, which may include panoramic radio scans and CT scans.

  2. Similarly to a bone graft procedure, there are several options for the new bone material: from the patient, from other tissue sources (human or animal), or synthetic. Your dentist will advise which will be best for you.

  3. The sinus lift procedure will be performed by the dentist while you are under general anaesthetic.

  4. After a period of time, the site will be healed and ready for implants.


A sinus lift is a safe and clinically proven procedure and when completed with expertise and care it will provide the best, most stable base for life changing implant surgery. As with any surgical procedure, at our practice we ensure that you understand all aftercare instructions and we will check back with you regularly to ensure that the healing is going smoothly.

Life Benefits

  • A more youthful appearance will give you more confidence.

  • A second chance at the comfort and security of dental implants.

  • A long-term investment in your health and wellbeing.




Many patients feel self-conscious about dental treatment and nervous about visiting the dentist. We offer special care to our anxious patients through two forms of sedation to make their appointments more comfortable and relaxing.


  1. The first type is called intravenous or IV sedation. The sedative drug is injected in a controlled manner, so that you feel relaxed during the dental treatment.

  2. The second type is inhalation sedation, which is good if you don't like needles. A small mask is placed over your nose and mouth, and you breathe in a mix of nitrous oxide and oxygen. This gas mixture will make you feel calm during your dental appointment. You remain awake and aware while receiving the sedation, but you will experience a deep sensation of peace and relaxation while the team work on your teeth.


Our team of dentists and nurses are specially trained to deliver these types of sedation and will make sure that you are safe and comfortable at all times during your visit.

Life Benefits

  • Now you don't have to let your fear of the dentist stop you from getting the dental treatment that you need.

  • A safe way to feel calm and relaxed during dental treatment.




This is required when there is insufficient bone to allow for rehabilitation, often with dental implants.​


There are two types of bone graft commonly used, one is with the use of your own bone from elsewhere in your jaw which is then used in the area where required.


A second type is the use of animal origin or more commonly now, a synthetic material made of a mixture of calcium and phosphate. Over a period of time, this will turn into your natural bone.


If you require either of these, the advantages and disadvantages of each will be discussed with you.



Using Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) is a relatively new technique. It allows the use of many properties that your own blood has to help in your treatment and recovery from your surgery. It is a simple preparation of your own blood sample, without the addition of anything artificial, which after being centrifuged/ spun to separate the plasma clot containing platelets, fibrin and white cells from your red blood cells which are not required. The texture of the clot is jelly-like.


Your blood contains amongst other things, a natural ability to clot, and also an ability to fight infection in health. It is this clotting process, together with cells of your immune system to help fight infection, that makes it an ideal material to use to cover the surgical wound, to help reduce bleeding, speed recovery and prevent infection. It is a way of exploiting the body’s own clotting and repair mechanisms, integrating naturally into the oral tissues, without fear of rejection, which makes it an ideal material for use.


A small sample of blood will be taken from you, usually only 10-20ml, into plain collection tubes. These tubes are then centrifuged for 8 minutes and then prepared before being returned to the patient’s body.


There is evidence that using PRF promotes healing of tooth sockets, assistance with implant placement and healing, closure of defects in the mouth, and a reduction in the amount of swelling and pain relief which patients require. It is particularly useful for patients with medical conditions or taking medications which may affect healing


It can also be used in areas such as facial aesthetics.




Third molars or ‘wisdom teeth’ are usually the last teeth to erupt in the mouth, some people don’t have any wisdom teeth.


Adults usually have 32 teeth, 4 of which can be wisdom teeth, 2 upper and 2 lowers. Due to the size of your jaws, it may be too small to accommodate the wisdom teeth. Often, they then try and erupt at an angle, rather than vertically like most teeth and this can be why they cause problems.


Why are wisdom teeth removed?


Due to the risks of surgery for wisdom teeth, there are certain reasons when advise removing them.


  • ‘Recurrent Pericoronitis’ means infections on a regular basis due to the crown of the tooth breaking through the skin in the mouth; similar to ‘teething’ in a child. Food and debris can get trapped in this area of gum which proves difficult to clean and therefore can get infected or cause pain. We usually try and treat this with mouthwashes and oral hygiene before removing the tooth.

  • ‘Decay’ in the wisdom tooth itself which your Dental Surgeon is unable to place a filling in.

  • Infection of the tooth causing an abscess around it, usually due to significant decay.

  • Gum disease around the wisdom tooth which cannot be treated or is causing significant problems which cannot be treated.

  • Cysts or other problems around the tooth and the jaw bone near the wisdom tooth

  • If undergoing jaw surgery, they may be required to be removed prior to the surgery

  • There may be other reasons which will be discussed with you by your surgeon


How are they removed?


Most wisdom teeth can be removed under local anaesthetic with or without sedation, and some can be removed by your General Dental Practitioner. However, lower wisdom teeth are usually more difficult than upper ones and you may require the treatment to be carried out by a Specialist Oral Surgeon.


Your surgeon will discuss with you the appropriate options for removal and answer any questions you may have.


The procedure will be discussed with you in detail by your Surgeon.

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